As a Worship Leader

As a worship leader in my church-(the big, strong, and reliable Rhema Mass Choir), I get mad sometimes, when I see some ‘big boys and girls’ in church on Sunday morning who do not partake in the worship, nor close their eyes, who do not clap nor respond to the call and response songs. I sometimes may have even seen some of them doing one wrong thing or the other in the week. But on the other, I must commend them for showing up in church every week still. It means they reverence God and still respect him…and I think their father, God, really loves them for that. Who am I then not to embrace them and welcome them irrespective of how much they meet or do not meet up with my church’s religious standard?

When we understand Love, we understand God, and then we understand ourselves.

Let your love be without Dissimulation
Let your love be without measurement

I love you yafun yafun!

Happy Sunday.


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