Death Brings Life!

Awí wí wí..wón tatí ikún
Afò fò fò..wón láwon ò gbà
Béè…àgbà tí o bínú
Sèbóhùn lomo rè ñ pò si

They were quite adamant
They wanted this conspiracy to end
Bent on bringing his life to an end
But didn’t know they were part of a much larger conspiracy.

Sèbí bómodé bá lóhùn gbógbón kíkú
Àgbàlagbà á gbógbón sísin í
Omodé kìí láso títí kó lákìsà ju baba rè lo
Síò… Egbé irú omodé

Until very late on friday morning
As I passed along the place of the skull
Having perfected their plans
They brought him to death

Igbe ati ségun ni wón pariwo
Lobaàmi òkè bá wólè…ló bá rérín músé
He shrugged and the earth quaked
He smiled..the veil tore, top to bottom

They thought it ended; it just started
They thought it had finished; but it had just began
Àsé ohun tí wón ní kí baálé ilé mágbòó
Baálé ilé náà ló parí è

And a conclusion he brought
The ancient doors opened! The gates of hell and death ajar!
Wón wá ti tòjé bo olóòsà lówó; óku babá nlá baba eni tí yíò bá won bo
No retreat! No reversal!

So very early this morning
He stripped all the spiritual tyrants of their sham authority
He marched them naked through the streets.
Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is alive.

If you ask my mum how her life changed; she’d say it started this day
If you ask him, the man who would have been a drunkard, live meaningless, with nothin to show
Rev’d George will tell you it all begun on that old rugged cross

If you ask ImisiOLUWA, he will tell you how Christ picked him up and set him in the highest heaven-in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments. No style and no swaggs, no name and no power exempts from this rule. And not just for the time being, but forever.

HALLELUYAH…..Jesus Lives forever.

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