This has been my antidote to fear and anxiety for many years; my mantra on the days adulthood deals a heavy blow and I worry about everything.
“Live…”, I hear the holy spirit say to my anxious heart.
“Live…”, he says, and that means many things.
“Live…be true to yourself.” Unclutter yourself of the complexities of life – the diverse and confusing opinions from influences, from comparison, the multiplicity of thoughts, opinions, possibilities, and the pressure that comes with all of it. In that quiet space of your heart, find the things that are true about you.
Live…go back to the basics. Listen to the voice within, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and follow through one step at a time. The path to the future can be overwhelming, but you can’t do everything in a day. So, leave the big ideas, the race, and find what is important. Hold onto it, and let the light guide you through.
Live…Leave your fears behind. Embrace the possibility of the longings in your heart, and accept that you are worth it, that you can become the better you envision. Leave behind the fear of failure, live with an open heart and mind, let love lead, and give your best each day.
Live…enjoy the moment. Know that there will be mundane days – days where nothing is happening, bad days – days where you won’t see the results you anticipate. But through it all, learn to enjoy every experience, the lack and the abundance, the pain and the joy, and go to sleep every day, knowing you have given your best, and are ready to make the most of the next day, every moment.
Yes, on days the reality of adulthood overwhelms, he reminds me to Live, as simply and truly as possible.
Happy children’s day
I am the ImisiOluwa
Thanks a lot
Instructive. Thanks sir
Thank you for this amazing piece, theimisiOluwa. It’s a beautiful reminder to LIVE in the midst of adulting.
Thank you again and again! ❤️
Refreshing words
Thank you, dear brother. Will do