Loving You Is Worship by MD Prax

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Although I have not met you, I believe that our hearts yearn for each other already. And while I await you, I decided to learn how to dance because I have always been a fan of the tango and I would rather dance it with no one else but you. Oh! How great it will be to hold you close, feel your heartbeat close to mine, caress the groove on your back, run my fingers against your skin while I stare in your face, at your glowing beauty, glowing till your last hour.

Last night, under the thick cloudy skies, I danced beneath the shades of the tree in the scented garden. As I moved my legs the branches of the tree danced with me and its leaves fell all around me like confetti. I danced, closed my eyes and imagined you swaying in my arms. Sweet tears dropped from my eyes! With such great anticipation, I patiently await the day when you will have this dance with me. When I will look into your eyes, only to behold the most perfect gift I could ever ask.

Is emotion not fickle? Aren’t these words sweet but not a guarantee of a lifetime? Do you think that one day I will be madly in love with you and the next I may not love you? Well, I think of it too. I am human; it may happen! However, my love for you is not human. Let me tell you what it is:

Simply, I love you because I was told to love you. The master told me to love you the way he loves me. Every time he visits me in my scented garden and we discuss you, he tells me about how to love. He told me that I should love you and esteem you higher than me. He told me that I should develop enough strength to forgive you before you offend me. He told me that I should never leave you for he is by my side to help me stay with you forever. The master told me that my love for you, is not about you but it is about serving him: he gave his life for me and saved me from damnation; it is just sensible that I listened to him and follow him.

Therefore, baby, loving you, is worship.

Therefore, my Adeola, while I tend to this garden, awaiting the day I share this beautiful spot with you, I need you to know I have loved you and I will love you and on days when I don’t feel like, Christ said I should.

‘Mide-David Praximus

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