The Girl Child


The Girl Child

The Girl child is never to be under-appreciated, unloved, or rejected

She is never to be seen as a weakling or feeble

She is never to be scared, fearful or insecure

And never to be treated with contempt and disdain


The Girl Child She is never to be abused or molested

She is never to be a victim of the male’s sweet and deceitful words

She is never to be the mistress of an addicted sugar daddy

And never to be employed as a sex worker-no matter how competent and qualified


The Girl Child is never to be seen and used as a mere object of sexual gratification

She is never to be a victim of unwanted pregnancy

She is never to be a victim of abortion

And never to be given out for child marriage



The Girl Child is never to be uneducated

She is never to be a slave to the kids of the rich

She is never to be deprived of her dreams

And never to be disposed the realities of a beautiful future.


The Girl Child is never to be a victim of injustice at any level

She is never to be a victim of battery and domestic violence

She is never to be a victim of divorce

And never to be made to tell the tales of a single mother


The Girl Child is only to be Loved, Cherished and Appreciated

She is only to be Defended, Protected and Nurtured

She is only to be allowed to dream

She is to be given the liberty to pursue and fulfill her goals

She is ever to be allowed to be loved and to find love

She is only to be regarded as the queen she is

Yes! She deserves to be.


To all Girl Child-young or old.

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