The girl child is never to be underappreciated
She is never to be a victim of a low self-esteem
Neither is she to be seen as feeble or a weakling
She is only to be valued and respected.
The girl child is never to be a mere object
To gratify the selfish desires of the boy child
She is never to be abused, molested or raped
Neither is she to be a handbag for the busy woman nor a slave to her kids
The girl child is never to be prostituted
She is never to be a sweet girl to a sugar daddy
Neither is she to be given out in child marriage
She is never to be uneducated
The girl child is never to be a victim of injustice at any level
The girl child is never to be a victim of divorce, battery or any form of prejudice
She is forever to be loved, cherished and appreciated
She is forever to be seen as a queen that she is
She is forever to be defended, protected and nurtured
She is forever to be allowed to dream and given the liberty to fulfill her dreams
Yes! She is a girl child
To every girl child that I know, You are worth so much and you mean so much to me.
(Culled from Letter to the GirlChild-By Imisioluwa from www.dnaughtyboy.wordpress.com (C) 2013, Imisioluwa)
#IamImisioluwa, and I love you plenty.
Sleep sweet.