I remember the day I first met you
Nothing serious, just a casual meeting
Taller, more experienced, even older
I kept my distance
Can’t remember how we became friends
But last night,
As I reminisced on the moments we shared
I wonder if I’ll ever have a friend like you
The hunger we shared
Remember your egusi soup
The nights we shared
In that tiny room
Songs we wrote together
Kuli kuli ti wan
The stages we shared
And the doughnuts that usually follows
Now that you’ve moved to another level of your life
I only wish we could have such moments again
Times you encouraged me
Times you scolded me
Times you sought me for wisdom
Your ingenuinty
Remember the Fuji competition in Pacesetter’s Church
Spontaenous creativity
Our escapades in PSCcamp 2010
A scholar of repute
And not to forget your big, always, shinning, big head
I miss you more
Remember Alice and the businessess
Now I’m crying
I pray for you
Don’t stop being you
Don’t stop singing
I love you…
See you soon.
Be a good boy my good boy.
– Your very Naughty Friend, Imisioluwa.