To The Danfo Driver

Day Twenty Three

To the Danfo Driver
The ever conscious Danfo driver
The ever vigilant Lagos driver
Experts in the game of the road
Navigating through miles of uneasiness
To and fro, like a pendulum
Enduring the wear and tear

How much does he even make?
Does it commensurate the effort?
Enough to keep his wife and kids?
Enough to eat and pay the bills?
Enough to still pay the ‘agbero’?
Who stand at every busstop
Enough to ‘service’ the policemen
The Lastma, and the VIO, Road Safety nko
Demanding what they’ve enforced as rights
Enriching the pocket of some big-bellied tout

Yet, the Danfo driver is a near-responsible man
Operating within the limits of his influence
Trying to make ends meet
Though a little ‘shot’ every now and then
Orijin, Regal, and the locally made one
How do you think he does it?
Keeping his eyes open all day
Through the heat, dust, and insult

I wish your life was better
Better than the BRT bus Driver
Whose life is a little more comfortable
Only corporate insult inside air conditioner

But I’m grateful for your life
I’ve seen some of your kids here
Here in the Obafemi Awolowo University
And I know you’ve done well
I heard her speak once,
And her grammar was impeccable

You’ve really done well
It’s just this wife battering we need to talk about
Laying your frustration on her destroys everything
I know you didn’t plan it that way
You guys just wanted to have fun
But here we are, a lot as happened
So let the past be gone
Only look at the beauty today holds

I’m praying for you
That you find Jesus
Beyond the Sundays, and Miracle night kind of thing
I mean something deeper, and richer

I’m really praying for you

To the Lagos Danfo driver

I am theimisiOluwa; I appreciate the effort you make daily

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