Welcome to my world! For every time we spend together, I am grateful. This is to thank you for tuning in to PILLOW TALK WITH FLOURISH. Musing after musing after musing after musing (please, sing-along). Today’s will be fun and meditative too. Do stay with me and enjoy!

Kindly look at this order of photograph and stand where you belong if you have mentioned any of the statements below:
Aw, this baby is so cute/adorable.
Oh, my ovaries/ my testes (laughs).
I can’t wait to have my babies.
God knows I will be a good father/ mother.
I must marry a fine person so our children will be cuteness overload.
Any other beautiful thought about kids in your mind.

(Just look at the pretty humans here… omigosh!)

Attention, please. Photo session is over! We can now move to the reception venue. Thank you.
After a musing last week, many of our readers signified that they will become nurturers in this very decade (me too). This is what we shall talk about today- the ones COMING UP NEXT.

The world’s population is increasing exponentially and you know how these things happen, right? It takes two people to make a baby or babies. I am an advocate for family living, that is, a child should be raised with father and mother figures (except in otherwise cases). That said, we are the would-be parents who have been saddled with the responsibility to nurture the ones coming up next. This musing will take us through some important things. We don’t need to get to the bridge before we cross it, you know. Let us prepare for an effective crossing in our minds (smiles).

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” That statement is still very much relevant in this age. Taking care of those coming after us (through us) is a height of responsibility. That we must prepare for. The world is filled with lots of dysfunctional systems even in the family. We cannot afford to get influenced but rather we show what it means to have a functional family system.

Dear reader, are you ready to love them? To care for them? To be a parent and yet a friend? To love them in every circumstance (a child will act like a child in many areas)? They need to be brought up in the fear of God. Are you ready to pray for them, teach them to pray and read the scriptures? Are we going to teach them to respect every other human being? Will we teach them those values that will build strong character in them? Are you going to let them know that diligence, hard work, and smart work still pay?

You are reading this article in the English Language because we have learnt it. Truth is, we have our dialects too. Can we teach them to read, write, and speak in our mother tongue? We know that some things should go into extinction in some cultural practices but our language is not one of such. It is a part of us. Speaking fluently in other languages is great but our very own dialect should not be left out.

About food, we cannot afford to give them processed foods all the time. Parents should be able to fix homemade meals for their children. Are we ready to give them good food to help them in their growth and development?
For their health, are we ready to help them make good health choices? Not to indulge them in self-medication? Will you ensure they finish their medications (are you aware of antimicrobial resistance)?

Are we going to help sharpen their minds through adequate exposure to books? Will we teach them to safe? Are we ready to correct them in love (with appropriate disciplinary measures)? Are we going to teach them to dress properly? Will you teach them to be sincere and honest? Are you ready to make them see themselves as valuable people? Will you cooperate with your spouse to walk your children through the different stages of their development until adulthood?

(There is so much more to raising kids than just bringing them to the world).
Before I say goodbye, I want to remind us that our children are a reflection of ourselves. I hope we will be better models for those coming up next.

I really appreciate you for staying with me again. You can send your comments and contributions directly or drop them here. I will be so glad to hear from you.

God willing, we will see next week.

I love you!


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