​”Omo ò le jo baba, k’áma bÃnú omo”
That is to say, ‘a child cannot resemble his father and we get offended”
My Father is God. I am born of him.
I am not only like God. I am God-like
So if he his ‘consuming fire’
Then I am ‘consuming fire’
Together we roll. Together we burn
For he in me. And me in him
(Can geometry even represent that?)
Burning through the limitations of sin
Consuming darkness, evil and all such things
His fire is not to burn me
But to burn in and through me
Leave ‘God of Elijah’ for now
For a better than Elijah is here
For Elijah rejoiced to see my days
For a better Fire is here
So I rejoice greatly with great Joy
And as a child learns proper behavior from his father
I behold,as in a mirror, the glory of the only begotten son,
The first born among many brethen
And I am changed to that same image
That is to say, I learn to burn like my Father
I execute his vengeance on earth
For his vengeance is LOVE
I burn with vengeance
I burn with Love
Love, such as my father does.
(Or what were you thinking God burns with, Anger? No o. Love ni o. ÀbÃ, when you were still living in spiritual death what did God burn you with?)
I burn with consuming fire
I burn with consuming love
I burn with love like a consuming fire
(The woman I marry is in for a special dose, she will be living with consuming fire… Loool)
His fire is not to burn me
But to really burn me gidigidi
For our God is a consuming fire.
Anyways, I hope you got the point?
Don’t because of the miracle you want forget the miracle you are.
Don’t because of what you want forget what God has done for you in Christ
Keep enjoying who you are in Christ Jesus.
I am *theimisiOluwa*; your brother in Grace.
Happy Sunday