I will survive


Of all the things I fear most, my thoughts stands out. One minute it’s here, the next it is several miles away-off course. If you can find personalities for my thoughts, then many times, I am a combination of different men-many monsters.
One moment, I am like the man that was slain on the cross and the next moment, I am like a porn star in hollywood. It’s crazy. One moment, I am as sane as if I were the intelligent designer himself, the next moment, I am as insane as insanity itself.
No wonder my Father warns: Guard your heart with all deligience, for out of it flows the issues of life. I cannot say I am a victim of circumstance or that I was doomed for this, I am only a victim of my choices.
Tonight again, I stand at the door of both worlds. Where shall I tilt? With whom will I sup?
Daddy, this is crazy. Can this dry bone live again? Oh Lord, only you know.
Well, it’s not like I’ll sit down here and expect the thoughts to just fly away; but I ask for strength  because the one I have can’t last another second. Oh! the aroma of sin advertises it’s delicacy, yet it’s pleasure is but for a moment.The fact that I feel like doing it does not make it right.
Nevertheless, I am convinced I soon shall loose this present disposition; a time when my mind has learnt the way of purity.
There’s no doubt, I will survive.

Photo credits: http://dev-moon.deviantart.com/art/I-will-Survive-2-354031214

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Olalekan Owonikoko

