Memoirs of a Once Precious Love


A man once told me he lost his wife two months prior to that time and I couldn’t figure out how he managed to survive. This is me, who cannot dare imagine not speaking with the ‘Lady I Love’ for a few weeks, talk less of not seeing her again. I remember times I’ve had to re-read her text messages over and over again to make up for any lack of communication.
Imagine a lady you’ve come to join your heart and life with; someone who has become a member of your life; someone whose thoughts occupy the spaces in your mind; a lady who has come to be a factor in the decisions you make, whose face has been permanently inscribed on the walls of your heart, and the melody of whose voice your ears have grown accustomed to…now, imagine all that taken away. How then can you feel complete when the day you met, you gave up your right to ‘me’ for ‘us’?
Yet, things happen, our love is tested, and things don’t end up the way we plan and expect. Life happens and our ‘happily ever after’ story turns out the other way round.
Tonight, I identify with people like me, who have lost their Adeolas, at one time or the other to circumstances, situations, misunderstanding, deceit, ignorance, quest for the ‘will of God’, temptation, the pressure for sex, a strange man or woman, assumptions, comparison with others, anger, selfishness, hatred, greed, fear of rejection, incompatible genotypes, career, rape, break up, divorce, and death.
If we will let the maker of our hearts help and guide us through the period of waiting and healing, and the pain that accompanies such seasons, we can be certain we will find love again, this time, a journey till forever. We will find those who will accept, nurture and protect our love even as we do their’s.
We’ll let our heart glow again, cos not all women are the same. Perfect love still exists, even though as a reflection of our degree of perfection. We’ll get better, and just at the right time, we’ll find our Adeolas again.

(C) 2014, Imisioluwa

Sleep sweet.
Love you plenty.

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