My View on Love

When I look into your eyes,
I see the assurance that we’ll survive these times.
When I see you smile,
I know we’ll weather the storm.
When you touch me with your hands,
I know together we’ll fulfill purpose

Never for once have I doubted the ‘rightness’ of this course
From the first day I set my eyes on you
I knew I had gotten to my end, where I’ll stay forever
By whose side I’ll lay through the good and the bad
In whose eyes I’ll look forever even when my sight is blur
And whose words I’ll hear, whether it’s right or wrong

Yes! Troubles will arise for sure
Hurts and pains from one to another
But in the troubles, we’ll be together
In the pains, we’ll cry together
In the hurts, we’ll bleed together
And when all that is done, we’ll heal together

Whether Love as this exist anywhere on earth, I don’t know
Though, in heaven, I know it does
But, if we’ll let the seed of heaven grow in us
Perhaps, we’ll have a feel of it

Whether such Love is possible, I don’t know
But with you, I’m willing to give try
Even if we miss the stars, we’ll land on the moon.
And that, my dear, will still be Love out of this world

The Lady I Love.

So…today is not Valentine’s day nor Your birthday, but I decided to pick such an ordinary day as this to tell you my view on love. You can be sure when Valentine’s day has come and gone, I’ll still be in Love with you. It’s an everyday Love affair baby.

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Olalekan Owonikoko

