


Suddenly, life happens and you keep wondering

How did I get here? Just this last minute we were rejoicing

Recounting our love and the next

Your heart can’t hold the pain any longer


How do we get to that point where our love turns sour?

Where our object of joy becomes a source of pain

Where we can’t find again the one we cherish

We read the messages, we remember the words

We recount the experience and it hurts all over again


How do we prevent hurts in love?

How do we stop pain? How do I keep this love pure?

How do I endure through it all? How do I keep from heart-break?

How do I know she’s the one? How do I finish strong?


The unbelievers don’t seem to know, Psychologists are contradictory

Marriage counselors lose their marriages, Imams are in constant turmoil

Some Christians beat up their wives, Pastors too divorce

Seem the most difficult thing is the ‘Happily ever after’


What’s wrong in being in love with the one that excites you?

What’s wrong in heading to a peaceful home every night?

What’s there in waking up to the smiles of the one you love?

What’s wrong in saying I do that it should come with such pain?

What’s wrong in giving your life that it should be thrown back at you later?


What exactly is the problem? God? Man? Traditions? The earth? Customs? Laws? Fashion? Paradigm? Devil? Sin? Or Love itself?


…to be continued.


#IamImisioluwa, and I admit that sometimes, the whole love thing gets really overwhelming.


Sleep sweet

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