To A Same-Sex Attracted Christian 2


Man with head in hand

Read Part 1 here.


How are you doing?
Did you do my assignment?
I’m sure you did. I’m sure you saw the real you in light of God’s Word.

Brother, that is the miracle of God’s Word! You see, the world is messed up… if you listen to the world, what impression do you get?
You are told you are gay! Can you imagine the ridiculousness! How can you , a man created in God’s image, a new creation in Christ Jesus, an heir of God, a saint of God be reduced to your sexual feelings!

Look, your sexual feelings don’t define you, the Word of God does.

Jesus doesn’t see you as your sexuality,even if the world does, He doesn’t. He sees you as a blood bought, saved and sanctified child of God.

Don’t be deceived into accepting a false identity. Until you begin to see yourself as a unique individual in Christ, your victory is still in potential energy.

So that is the first.
Your identity.
Confess it to yourself over and over again; the heart of man you see is designed to believe what it hears said continuously.
Remember Josh1:8? This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth?
When it is in your mouth and you meditate on it, you begin to act on it!

Secondly, you need to renew your mind concerning the concept of love, romance and intimacy.
God created you with the capacity to love, the desire for intimacy and the need for romance. What you need to know however is that true love is ultimately a manifestation of the born again spirit.

It is as romantic love is brought under the Love of God revealed in Christ that it finds its true expression and ultimate purpose.

So primarily, the idea isn’t ‘I need a boyfriend’ it is ‘I need to know Jesus’ ‘I wanna learn to worship God’/’I wanna learn to love as God loves’.

So, to recap, your identity in Christ redefines your view of sexuality and your understanding of God’s love shapes your thinking about the expression of romantic love.
You understand that it is about giving, not primarily about satisfying your desires and all of that happens in the context of righteousness.

Thirdly, remember Abraham and Isaac? Gen22 tells the Story of how God asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt sacrifice. You also remember Abraham told his servants he was going to worship.

Beloved of God, worship is about coming to a point in our lives when God becomes priority and there is nothing we will not give for him.
What makes worship so beautiful is that when you give to God, he will bring something else in its place that will deeply satisfy you

If you give to God your sexuality, he will still meet your needs for love intimacy and friendship… Rest assured,He will provide the ram. He always come through.
Does that mean you will become attracted to the opposite sex? Not necessarily. Even if you don’t become attracted to the opposite sex and have to choose a life of celibacy, be encouraged by these words of Scripture:
“For I say this to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths holy, who choose the things that please me and obey my laws: 5 I will give them—in my house, within my walls—a name far greater than the honor they would receive from having sons and daughters. For the name that I will give them is an everlasting one; it will never disappear”

In concluding this letter, I want you to know somethings;
One, it will be difficult for folks to really understand what you are going through. They have no same sex attraction so it is quite easy for them to read those scriptures and Leviticus and Romans1 and wrinkle their nose. So please, cut them some slack and understand that as God’s children we can sometimes be so unchristian.

Two is ultimately, the more of God you know, the more his desires become your desires and your desires become his. I’m talking a whole overhauling and renovation of your entire value system and thought life.

Beloved, rest easy; you are in God’s hands. He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it till the day of Christ.

God bless you.
Ayomipo Jeremiah AMIOLA.

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