Amazing Tweets from #HeRose

Here are some of my tweets from yesterday’s #herose @Imisioluwa_

so…”destroy this temple and in 3 days I’ll raise it up” was not an empty threat after all #herose

so…”I am the resurrection and the life” was not just mere talk eventually.

so…Satan didn’t see it coming?…I thought he heard Jesus say He was going to rise again? He should have tried harder.

…I guess Satan saw it coming but could not just do more than He did.

Maybe we should give him another chance to try again and see what he can come up with…

…but both of us(myself and Satan) know, there’s nothing more he can do.

Satan gave his best shot at Christ’s death and we both know if he had a replay, he’ll lose all over again. ó màse o.

If Satan thinks I’m not right, let him reply these tweets and present his arguments…or if you want to help him.

I guess he actually tot he had been successful when Jesus didn’t rise on d 2nd day,he didn’t know Jesus was just freestyling with him

I love Jesus’ sense of humor.
They actually tot Jesus had missed his flight back to Life,but they didn’t know he had a Private Jet.

so..they tot Jesus was going to come and go with only the 2 robbers he came with but then He emptied the place,except those who refused to go

…in addition, he opened the
gate of hell wide and took the
keys with him. Those who are
still there are those who don’t know this. #herose

…in addition, he chained Satan
so that he won’t stop anyone from coming out when they want to

…but Satan keeps roaring like
a lion where he is chained so
as to scare people from going
out of the gate of hell…

…then to others, he tries to
make friends and even handed them positions in hell, like ‘witches:a prisoner oppressing another one

…to others, ‘ Chief of staff:
Hell affairs and you know
Nigerians now, we like power, so some stayed.

Generally, Satan gave people whatever they wanted:money,fame,sex,etc(ucan add d one he gave you) so they can keep him company.

So my point is: our problem is not Slavery but Ignorance.

Apparently, some people like the goodies of hell so much that they find time to go back there to check for new updates. I pirry u.

Even Judas killed himself thinking Jesus will die…he only
needed to.have waited few more days. maybe he wouldn’t
ve died.

Satan didn’t want Judas to
repent…so he cut him off

Don’t let him cut you off too…you can come out of your prison doors too…no ticket
fare…free of charge….

I’m feeling sleepy already…but
that doesn’t change the fact
that Jesus lived, died, rose,
and ascended for you.

sometimes, some people say
they gave their life to Jesus…but it is more of Jesus
giving his life to us.

I’ll probably stop these tweets
soon…but the Truth does not
stop. Don’t die a slave . come
back home dear.

Your father, God loves you.
and I love you too.

You don’t be distracted by our
religious rituals, the real thing
is here. you and God.

Thanks for reading. Follow the Naughty Boy on twitter @Imisioluwa_ for more of such amazing tweets.

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