Horror Films versus Romance Movies

One of the reasons I don’t see horror and too gory actions movies is that I have seen enough horror in my life to add more to it.
From a child…

I’ve seen men beat their wives and vice versa
I’ve seen parents ignore their children
I’ve seen children set their parents up
I’ve seen man betray his beloved
I’ve seen and heard enough tales of witches and wizards.
I’ve seen troublesome mother in laws with all credits to Patience Ozokwor
I’ve seen people fight for #20 change in moluee bus only to later land in the hospital

And I am afraid I have enough options of evil already

What I haven’t seen have enough is…

Couples who live together happily ever after
Husband who take  care of the dishes without thinking they’ve done the world a favour
Father’s who stand by the sidelines at their son’s baseball game
Mother’s who go shopping with their daughters
Father’s who take their daughters on a date
Surprise birthday parties
Simple gestures that thrills ones spouse
Words to captivate each other as you seat facing the sunset at a beach in Australia
And that part where you speak some mushy mushy words, look into each others eyes, and spontaneously draw towards each other in a passionate kiss, making an angle 45″,with arms around each other, and her legs slightly raised backwards
Ideas on how to plan a romantic date
Couples with diverse opinions on issues, yet who laugh it off and settle it by ‘worshiping together’ on the kitchen table and floor
Couples who make sacrifices for one another
Who stand for each other even when one partner has made terrible mistakes
Husband who holds his wife as she cries about the things that bother her
Wife who holds and kisses his husbands head and say “Baby, I believe in you”
Spouses who forgive one another

Adeola-mi,I want to have options, ideas in my heart, that my mouth can speak, and my bodycan act from such abundance.

And this is why I prefer to watch movies on Romance, Family, Love etc…I’ll rather have too much romance in my head than violence.

Remember, what you see and keep seeing is what you eventually become.

No wonder some men on the day they are angry for lack of a better option on how to handle it, since all they have seen is violence, resort to the same; for they just can’t think of something else; for they think it is just the right way to treat her, claiming “her head will not be correct if you don’t beat her”.
And you’ll be on a very long thing if you think it’s only uncivilized men that beat their wives.

[“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phill 4:8”]


Sleep Sweet!

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