I am your lonely brother
The one you never knew
The one you never noticed
The one who’s been here all along
The one who knew the truth
Whispering and screaming
“Brother, don’t listen to them”
“Sister, don’t pay them any attention”
Their voice of doubts and rejection
Piercing through your fleshy heart
But their voices were deafening
Obstructing the lines of sane thoughts
A misrepresentation of your innate beauty
But here I am, reaching out,
No screaming, better still, singing
Listen to my words, to my voice
Listen to my Song, #theAKARAsong[sg_popup id=”1″ event=”hover”][/sg_popup]
My words are true, always true
If for a chance you can learn the truth
If for a chance you might believe
That you’re beautiful
That you’re good enough
That you’re important
That your opinions count
That your views matter
You’re different, I admit
And that’s what make you special
I am theimisiOluwa.
The Akara Song (Single) + Personal Notes are a foretaste of ‘The Akara Song Album and Book Tour… an initiative of THEIMISIOLUWA in conjunction with Music for Development. More details later.