Did they do to us differently from we did ourselves?
Did they treat us other than we treat ourselves?
Black or white, aren’t we made of same distance?
Young or old, isn’t the same evil in our heart?
It was the same the people of Babylon did them of Jerusalem
The same the people of Ayédándé did them in Ayétòrò
The same they did the blacks, they of a different skin
Isn’t the same they do to us today, they of more political skills
When a man takes several billions belonging to his fellow countrymen
Money needed to save them from dying in sick hospitals
Funds needed to keep them from the stress of overwork
What other form of slavery can there be?
Several years they subjected our fathers to inhumane conditions
Today we subject ourselves to death for reasons as stupid as religion
They deprived our fathers of food, shelter, comfort and freedom
Today, we inflict the same evil on gullible Nigerians
We fought and got Independence from our oppressors
But did we do the same from ourselves
Are we free from the slavery mentality, and mediocrity of our minds
Are we really free and independent?
Time will judge, the time here or the one to come
Time will ask the Jonathans, the Obasanjos, the Buharis
Time will ask them of PDP, APC, and of other political factions
Time will ask you, time will ask me
But then, nothing is impossible
Some day, Nigerians will get tired of their foolishness
We will know what and who our enemies are
And they we will fight with our eyes opened
PDP, APC, it wouldn’t matter
Northerner, Southerner, we wouldn’t even care
Only the contents of the heart
Only the competence of the head
Just as we did the man from over the seas
We will do the same to ourselves
Just as we celebrate the day, we will do so too
The day Nigerians liberated themselves from themselves
The day Nigerians gained Independence from mediocrity, corruption, and slavery mindset.
Fifty six years now
Fourteen Presidents and Head of State
Countless policies, forms and reforms
I still await Nigeria’s Independence
Happy Independence
My Great Nation.
I am theimisiOluwa