Where else will I ever be?
If not at the feet of Jesus
Seated on his laps
Or maybe by his side
Close enough to feed from his mouth
Like the little bird
Yes, He in me
And I in Me
He, seated by the Father
At his very right hand
Yes, my father and I are one
The apple of his very eyes
Where else can I be?
Who else has the words of eternal life
Who else can read my rantings
Yet, with smiles call me his own
It has tee jòó
That I’ve been there
Seated at Christ’s feet
Learning daily
As he opens me up to Truth
Truth beyond my years
Truth beyond my denomination
Truth beyond my doctrines
Truth beyond my curiosity
Truth beyond my foolishness
Truth beyond what’s popular
Truth beyond man’s attestation
Truth beyond man’s intelligence
But only as far as I would allow
For there’s always more
I have found where I’ll live jòó
For to live is Christ, and to die sef, all join
For this one thing I like
And that I’ll always pursue
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
So at his feet, by his side
In his arms, on his laps
In his heart, on his eyes
I’m exploring all possibilities
It has tee jòó
That I’ve been there
Seated in Christ
At the right hand of the father
In fact, I just started
#IamImisioluwa, Today I make fresh commitments to know nothing else but Christ.
(Tee is a Nigerian pidgin-English word that connotes ‘been long’, ‘been going on for a while’.
Jòó is a Yoruba word that means ‘please’.)
Have a blessed week ahead
You are God’s delight