To the absentee daddies
The ones who left their sperms and never looked back
Who denied their DNA to the teeth
Who wouldn’t take responsibility
Well…it’s still your day
We wish you were here with us, but it’s still okay
We feel your pain, your fear, your ignorance
We feel the burden of your guilt
How you wished you did better
Or dad, are you still bent on blaming the devil?
Anyways, you’re forgiven; Maybe not forgotten
It’s alright, your heavenly father got our back
And caused it to work out all good
We just wished you didn’t miss out of the miracles our lives became
Happy Fathers Day
To the fathers who stayed but went
And their counterparts
The ones who stayed with much terror
Who for one reason or the other
Preferred the company of the other woman
Who came at night, and turned mothers face
Beasts of men and men of beasts
Who soiled the beauty of fatherhood
Well…it’s still your day
For you did what you thought was best
Thinking your wife was the problem
Thinking you were the solution
At least now that you have gone
Please stay with the kids over there
And at least, be a better father to them
Happy Father’s Day
To the fathers gone beyond
Men who gave it all till their last breath
Who would have paid with their lives
And who eventually did
Men whose words echo and resounds
Whose sound principles are still our guiding lights
Men in the class of Adewale Owonikoko
The ‘Omo-eléyìnkùlé-à déwúres’
The ‘Omo-rere-bÃ-iyáns’
Today is, by all means, your day
We celebrate and miss you dearly
Happy Father’s Day
To the fathers who survived
And their counterparts who returned
Faced with equal difficulties and challenges
Who had enough reasons to quit and give up
Who are tempted, enticed, and deceived
But bent on making a difference stood still
The ones who remembered their commitments
The words they said before only one witness
Admist the differences and marital discrepancies
In spite of our stubbornness and disobediences
Fathers who admitted their mistakes and wrongs
Who sort for help, who changed
Who keep making sacrifices, and money
Who keep inspiring, who keep leading
Who keep taking responsibility
Who are still surviving
Today is all yours
Your efforts are not in vain
Happy Father’s Day
To the Fathers of Today
21st Century mentors
Role models of irreverent children
Bastards of illegitimate fathers
Poverty ridden and stricken ones
Pet projects of Beelzebub
Godfathers of ‘à won omo wóbè’
The booze, money, girls, and ganger’ kind of people
Who hope to have better children
But who lead others astray
Objectifying their sons future wives
Yet claiming there are no good girls again
The ‘badoo’ kind of people
Who eventually sells good records
Well…we can’t deprive you the joy of today
Cos you’re fathers indeed
Who just want to make enough money to erase your father’s poverty
We wish you good luck
Happy Father’s Day
To the Fathers of tomorrow
The ones who are hard to qualify
Demon possed or outrightly evil
Wonderful guys with distorted ideologies
The ones who for an hole to ‘shook’ their penis
Who for their sexual drives and appetites
Will deprive their children of the beauty
The beauty of Father and Mother
Fathers with a twisted identity
Well….it’s your day too
Cos we live in a free world
And you’re never wrong
Happy Father’s Day
Shall I forget these Father’s too?
The ones who failed at home and in public too
Men of PDP and APC alike
Beds of the same feathers flying apart
Whose belly is their god
Who deprive an entire nation of its beauty
Men who sapp it of its nutrients
Who sponsor wars for profit
Men like……………(you can fill in the gap)
Men who won’t last a bit
Friends of Cancer and Terminal diseases
Friends of prisons and exiles
Friends of anxiety and hypertension
Don’t worry, I’m not that wicked
We hope they repent, and if not
We’ll send them Pastors on their death bed
Good radiances to bad rubishes
Fathers in whose old teary eyes of regret
Nigeria will thrive again
Well…it’s your day too
Happy Father’s Day
To the future fathers
Like you and me
Who strive hard to be better
Who will end up in one or more of these categories above
Depending on where our apettites lead us
Who are quick to criticize and analyze
But who would be faced with the same
21st century version of the same problems they faced
But who have already reasons to be better
To future fathers like me
Who are toasting and enduring nails
Who are setting goals and working hard
Who are living the ZOE
Who have a better chance in all of history
Well….it is our day
Happy Father’s Day to us
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