
Oruko Nla by Joesong.

Joesong is back with a massive and powerful worship hit, titled: Oruko Nla (Great Name)...

Exegesis and It’s Antagonists

It is quite funny, or rather sad, that the people, my pastors and friends alike,...

Day Seventeen-#40DaysAppreciation Challenge

To all who embraced Grace Who worked harder than the rest Who did the most...

Day Twelve- #40DaysAppreciation Challenge 

To all my friends whose names are written in the book of life Who have...

Day Nine- #40DaysAppreciation Challenge

​To the peddlers of the Law Those who preach the consuming fire Who have passports...

I Will Praise You (Audio) by Micheal Afolayan

Listen to this amazing song by Micheal Afolayan called “I Will Praise You”. “I Will...

To A Same-Sex Attracted Christian 2

  Read Part 1 here. Brother, How are you doing? Did you do my assignment? I’m...

To A Same-Sex Attracted Christian

Dearly Beloved, I received your last message and it was an interesting read for me....


#LoveWednesday (Read Part 1 at: Stop The Lies Jòó ) In all my years of listening to...


BASTARDIZATION I once saw a church write, “at (the church name), your success is guaranteed”,...