September 2014

Why We Will Fail

Somehow, it seems it is hard for us to learn from other people’s past experience....

As a Worship Leader

As a worship leader in my church-(the big, strong, and reliable Rhema Mass Choir), I...

Sinners and their God.

Perhaps, the reason there will be surprises in heaven is because on earth we are...

This Two Becomes One Too

#LoveWednesday #Adeola-mi Tonight, I’ll just wallow in the pain The pain of disappointment I had...

Love Anyway

Some people have a problem with God readily forgiving us our sins, they think he...


Sometimes, your dreams seem too far fetched, especially when they don’t materialize in the nearest...

The Two Becomes One.

Now I know how hard it can be For Two to eventually become One For...

It's So Easy

#LoveWednesday It’s so easy for us to say ‘my girlfriend broke up with me’, and...

On the Road to Ibadan

On the road to Ibadan There it first happened Two hearts side by side En...