To All Whose Names Are Written In The Book Of Life

Day Twelve To all my friends whose names are written in the book of life...

Imagine This!

Imagine if Grace isn’t all you think it is… Imagine if Christ had to always...

Day Two – #40DaysAppreciation Challenge 

When you haven’t fallen so hard, disappointed yourself, and done the things you’ve promised God…no,...

Appearance is Fickle

Several years ago, Like several ‘several years ago’, Man sinned and fell short They became...

To A Same-Sex Attracted Christian 2

  Read Part 1 here. Brother, How are you doing? Did you do my assignment? I’m...

Religious Threats

I had always thought people should be saints in places where full sharia’’ is practiced....

Their Version of God

So…it was in church, two Sundays ago, that the Drama department had this presentation; it...

Worrying and Trusting.

Sometimes, the most difficult thing to do is to pick on the humility of a...