
To the Facebook Evangelists

Day Twenty Four To the Facebook evangelists And WhatsApp revivalists Who daily load us with...

Exegesis and It’s Antagonists

It is quite funny, or rather sad, that the people, my pastors and friends alike,...

The Carriers of Truth

  Sometimes, when you hear the truth from the mouth of stupid people, you tend...

I Am Your Lonely Brother

I am your lonely brother The one you never knew The one you never noticed...

Day Seventeen-#40DaysAppreciation Challenge

To all who embraced Grace Who worked harder than the rest Who did the most...

When Love Happens

#LoveWednesday Is it possible to stop thinking about you? Is it possible to totally forget...

Recalibrating the Prodigal Son

#RandomTots   Could it ever have been possible for the prodigal son to ever understand?...

A Stitch in Time

Perhaps, it is an expression of God’s mercy To guide a man to rock-bottom, Especially...

One Way Love

#LoveWednesday   In Love, You cannot love for two You cannot love her so much...

Please, Tell The Devil

Please tell the devil he didn’t win Tell him sternly, tell him clearly Tell it...