January 2015

The Unsuspecting Lover

#LoveWednesday The unsuspecting lover is sincere Sincere, but foolish and gullible Only rarely, is it...

The Unsuspecting Lover

#LoveWednesday The unsuspecting lover is sincere Sincere, but foolish and gullible Only rarely, is it...


#randomtots I left the gates yesterday A journey of no return Dead or Alive My...

Who does not want to be in Love?

#LoveWednesday Who does not want to be in Love? Who does not want the one...


He walked up to me with the countenance of one that had being broken. ”...

Down To My Knees

Down to my knees I’m humbled Finally, my bones give way Only the floor can...

Thank you All

It all started as early as 12:00 am on the 15th of January, when I...

Come, please come.

I long for the ideal world A world perfect and pure A world where love...

It happens.

#randomtots It happened in church on sunday, just as the praise and worship ended; as...

How do you do it?

How do you do it that the words ‘thank you’ ends my year always? How...