
To Those Searching for Survival

Day Nineteen To everyone who wake up On one morning or the other In a...

To All Who Embraced Grace

Day Seventeen To all who embraced Grace Who worked harder than the rest Who did...

Imagine This!

Imagine if Grace isn’t all you think it is… Imagine if Christ had to always...

Day Twelve- #40DaysAppreciation Challenge 

To all my friends whose names are written in the book of life Who have...

Appearance is Fickle

Several years ago, Like several ‘several years ago’, Man sinned and fell short They became...

To A Same-Sex Attracted Christian 2

  Read Part 1 here. Brother, How are you doing? Did you do my assignment? I’m...

One Way Love

#LoveWednesday   In Love, You cannot love for two You cannot love her so much...

Please, Tell The Devil

Please tell the devil he didn’t win Tell him sternly, tell him clearly Tell it...


#IamChristian Where else will I ever be? If not at the feet of Jesus Seated...


BASTARDIZATION I once saw a church write, “at (the church name), your success is guaranteed”,...