January 2014

I miss you

…That moment you find yourself re-reading all her text messages on your phone; you find...

Kinds of men…

#COPIED. I peeped into Facebook this evening and I stumbled on this post which appear...

Only Tonight

Depressed, tonight, worried, sad, letting go

Last Breath of God

Last Breath of God.

To a Rare Gem, Kemi Obanubi.

Like an island from the deck of a ship You can’t really imagine how. beautiful...

Love Beings

I think I just must accept I’m a love being…I wish I could pay back...

That Prayer Works

That prayer works is a fact I have finally come to terms with. It’s amazing...

My Birthday Thoughts 2.

Read 1st part here.…At 21, a man should have had reasonable things to count on...

My Birthday Thoughts.

I sit here today, The first day of a new birth year And I don’t...

Worrying and Trusting.

Sometimes, the most difficult thing to do is to pick on the humility of a...